Raziel was very helpful in describing differences between various communities on the peninsula.– Allen Eskenazi & Joan Fisher
Pediatrician at Pediatric Wellness Group
Physician/Palliative Medicine & Pediatric Hematology-Oncology at CPMC and Stanford Medicine
Allen Eskenazi & Joan Fisher
What do you love the most about your neighborhood?
San Carlos is family friendly and our neighbors are the best. We love walking to shopping and dining on Laurel Street and Caltrain for our explorations in our off time and even with our bicycles. Allen is able to cycle to work and loves being a neighborhood pediatrician. Our home is exactly what we wanted and located near to our work and the places we love to play. We love to garden and have installed a fully edible garden in our home and the weather here is perfect for our needs.
I grew up in Philadelphia and am a true Eastern kind of guy. Although I miss all of the seasons, I'm growing appreciate the subtle changes to the weather in California and all of the opportunities that the Bay Area has to offer. I love exploring San Francisco via the walking tours and now know more than I do about the history and culture of the region!
Also, the hills and valleys of the surrounding countryside have become my cycling haunts and I'm learning to appreciate year-round cycling.
What surprised you the most about the home buying process?
How seemingly little time one has to consider such a huge decision. Buying a home should be a well considered decision. We were very glad that we had a lot of knowledge about the area as we considered where we wanted to buy.
What was your journey like buying a home?
We had spent a lot of time on line looking at the housing market and exploring what was available. When we were ready to buy, we found Raziel through our son who had purchased a home with his help a few years earlier. Raziel was very helpful in describing differences between various communities on the peninsula. We had gone to open houses each weekend to explore neighborhoods. When we found the first house that we felt would be perfect for us, we put a bid on it, and did not think we would have a chance but our bid was accepted. Overall, we were very happy with the process.
What's you favorite room in the house?
My woodworking workshop.
Any room that Allen is in.
What's the best advice you've ever received?
Treat those who can pay because you need to feed your family, treat the poor because you need their prayers.
Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.
What's at the top of your bucket list?
Spending more time with each other.
What's your proudest accomplishment?
Raising children who are happy.
What was your childhood ambition?
To play major league baseball.
Having a large family.
What's your favorite hidden gem?
The staircase at the end of California St near Land's End
What's been you biggest challenge?
Dealing with stressed parents
Commuting in the Bay Area
What was your first job?
Painting a Louis Kahn house.
What's been your greatest inspiration?
My grandfather.
My godfather.
What organization do you love?
The George Mark House in San Leandro, Child Health Investment Partnership in Roanoke, VA.
This article is copyrighted by Raziel Ungar and may not be reproduced or copied without express written permission.
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