Unlock Your Home's Full Potential And Sell for Top Dollar

Raziel Ungar

Raziel Ungar

June 26th, 2024 - 4 min read

The Right Improvements Made Our Client $550K

We don’t ask our sellers to spend money on anything that won’t give them a significant return on their investment. Our team specializes in identifying and executing the improvements that deliver the best return on investment, managing every detail so you don't have to.

Strategic upgrades for the win

Recently our sellers invested $150K into the sale of their home which sold for $300K over asking with 7 offers. If you factor in what the home would have sold for had we not made updates they made $550K.

In the kitchen we installed new countertops, modern appliances, and chic fixtures. We also painted the cabinets and replaced the hardware.

We put in new hardwood flooring throughout the home and painted both the interior and exterior giving this home a bright, clean, updated look. We thoughtfully designed the outdoor spaces for utility and curb appeal. Outdoor spaces are also very important to home buyers so we emphasized landscaping with a $20K investment on that part of the home.

How else could this have played out?

If our clients chose to sell as is without making any updates, the home would have been presented close to its original condition, which was a lot rougher. We likely would have received only one or two offers from contractors or home flippers around the asking price, and then they would have gone ahead and done something similar to what we did, but likely at a lower quality. We think the home would have sold around $2 million.

Don’t let your home’s potential go untapped

Our deep understanding of which improvements yield the highest returns, combined with our full-service management, will get the most out of your investment with zero hassle.

From Our Seller

“We just closed on my Dad's house and couldn't be happier! Raziel and his team said they would take care of everything and they did! In just a few months, they restored the house with attention to detail far beyond what I expected. Emily especially did an amazing job coordinating all the work. Raziel also brought in some exceptionally talented people to take care of things like landscaping, staging, and photography. By the time we went to market, the house looked fabulous and we ended up with multiple offers. Everyone was attentive, responsive, and supportive throughout the process.

Living far away and having full schedules, I always assumed we would have to sell our parents' house "as is." In came Raziel to the rescue! Over just a few months, he and his team executed an incredible transformation. I must give a special shout out to Emily who devoted herself to this project and was my go-to person. She was everything you would look for in a project manager: meticulous, organized, and reliable, in addition to being a lovely person.

There was an extensive amount of work that went into preparing the house for sale.

To start Raziel included all interested parties so we were all on the same page. Arrangements were made to have the entire house emptied of its contents, and efforts were made to donate unwanted items.

Numerous inspections were scheduled and supervised, including a home inspection, fire safety, engineering, termite, heating, air conditioning, and pool.

Hugely helpful for me was the creation of two detailed spreadsheets. One with a list of "must do" items, the things that Raziel thought we needed to take care of to make sure the new homeowner would be happy, along with cost estimates. And one spreadsheet with a list of everything we could do if money were no object.

Armed with this goldmine of information, Raziel helped us to prioritize projects based on our budget.

Raziel's team collected bids for all the work, scheduled and supervised all the projects, and secured permits where necessary. Selections were made for interior and exterior paint colors, carpets, and hardwood flooring.

I was presented with a selection of appliances and fixtures, including details I never would have thought of - things like new light switches, a smart doorbell, new address numbers on the house, and new exterior light fixtures.

As each phase of the work was done, they updated the spreadsheets with current budgeted and paid amounts. I always had a good understanding of where we were in the process.

They patiently walked me through the disclosure packet, ensuring that nothing was overlooked. After coordinating the staging and landscaping, Raziel's team made sure the house and garden were in pristine condition for the open house.

As the offers came in, that's when Raziel's skills shone. Raziel walked us through receiving and accepting offers so we would know in advance what to expect. A Zoom call allowed Raziel to share his spreadsheet with us so that we could easily compare the details of each of the offers.

The initial offers were beyond our expectations and we would have been content to accept the highest one, but Raziel was confident he could negotiate an even higher price. Because of his phenomenal negotiating strategy, he landed us a sales price beyond our expectations.

After we closed, Raziel maintained an open dialogue with the buyer to address any concerns about the house. It was important to us and Raziel that the new owners were confident in their purchase.

All in all, I couldn't be happier! If you're looking for an agent, Raziel should be number one on your list!”

- Leslie S.

If you'd like to talk about how we can help you sell your home for the highest price reach out to us. We'd love to learn more about your unique situation."

This article is copyrighted by Raziel Ungar and may not be reproduced or copied without express written permission.

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