Raziel gave us great insights into homes that we looked at together.
– Madhu Murali and Deepti Anand

Madhu Murali and Deepti Anand

What do you love the most about your neighborhood?


There are many things to love about the neighborhood but what I have loved the most so far is how welcoming the community has been. We have gotten to know our neighbors and have met so many new people during our walks and they have all been very friendly and welcoming.


Halloween was my highlight of the year! Had so many kids come by for treats. Never said happy halloween those many times in my life :D. Really enjoy all my walks with Madhu and Pebbles. Neighbors are so kind. Can’t ask for more.

What was your journey like buying a home, and what surprised you the most?


Surprised by how quickly we found our beautiful home, thanks to Raziel! We were kind of going back and forth on the area (San Mateo, SF, and Foster City) but finally zeroed in on Burlingame.


The journey was fun and exciting but also scary at times. It’s not really a surprise anymore but it was mind-blowing to see the number of people in the market to buy a home, especially in the peninsula and especially in the Burlingame area. On the one side, there is a lot of competition but on the other side, it tells you that it's a great neighborhood and many people want to live here.

What was your experience working with Raziel?


Pleasant. He gave us great insights into homes that we looked at together.



What is your proudest accomplishment?


It's yet to be accomplished - when I make a lot of people happy.


Being empathetic in any situation.

What was your childhood ambition?


To be an FBI agent after watching the X-Files as a child when content ratings weren’t a thing.


I don’t think I had a particular ambition if I am being honest. I just wanted to be happy and worry-free.

What’s your favorite hidden gem?


 I found one recently - La Matcha Cafe in Burlingame .


Not so hidden I guess but SaltWater bakery in Pacifica, CA.

What’s been your biggest challenge?


Being consistent with my daily routine.


Dealing with injuries, I have had my fair share.

What was your first job?


Research/Teaching assistant during my master's degree.


Lab assistant during my undergrad in Dubai.

What’s your greatest Inspiration?


I get inspired by great leaders in any field. As an example, Satya Nadella - CEO of Microsoft.


All the amazingly strong women in my life! I have grown so much as a person thanks to all of them.

What’s your favorite movie


Matrix, Back to the Future, and many more (mostly science fiction).


Kill Bill & Parasite.

What’s on the top of your bucket list item?


Go to Antarctica!


Explore Africa more.

What organizations do you love?

  1. Organizations that are honest and add value to the world in their own way. This is one of my favorites - Elephant Nature Park.

  1.  Raices, Border Angels, and several others.

This article is copyrighted by Raziel Ungar and may not be reproduced or copied without express written permission.

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Burlingame Real Estate Market Review

In my 13th annual review of the Burlingame residential real estate market, I examine 2023 market trends and relevant sales statistics. You'll learn first-hand what’s happening in your neighborhood.

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