Hillsborough Annual Market Report

Hillsborough Real Estate Market Review

In my 13th annual review of the Hillsborough residential real estate market, I examine 2024 market trends and relevant sales statistics. You'll learn first-hand what’s happening in your neighborhood.
  • 10958


  • 3841


  • $ 5.5 M

    Median Sale Price

  • $ 6.33 M

    Average Sale Price

What's in this report?

Based on extensive research and our experience, you'll have an opportunity to examine:

Sales and pricing data

See the highlights and stats you need to know when buying or selling.

About Raziel

I specialize in the neighborhoods of Burlingame, Hillsborough, San Mateo, Millbrae, San Carlos, Redwood City, Redwood Shores, Foster City and the surrounding areas in San Mateo County. I have earned my reputation selling real estate by combining my lifelong knowledge and love of the area, enthusiasm and passion for exceeding expectations with data driven processes and the utmost respect for business ethics. I don’t just show up at the beginning and end to close a deal; I am involved throughout the entire process, delving into the details. Through 18 years of experience, dozens of multiple-offer situations, and hands-on training at Harvard Law School’s Program on Negotiation, many of my clients have told me that my expert negotiating skills made a meaningful impact in the price they paid or received for their home.

  • Top 10

    Realtors in San Mateo County

    out of 2,999 agents

What our clients have to say

Everything we do is centered around one question: "Is this best for our clients?" We aim to serve the buyers and sellers in Hillsborough and its surrounding communities with fairness, integrity, and earnest representation.

  • Selling our home was fast and fun! It took a matter of weeks and did not require much effort on our part since Raziel and his team were excellent about keeping us on schedule.
    – Max & Alexis
  • "We chose Raziel after interviewing several realtors because of his integrity and straight-forward approach, and mostly because he’s not just a Realtor selling a house; he builds relationships with his clients.

    – Patt

Get the Hillsborough Annual Market Review